PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium,
also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium
PIER Journals
Published by The Electromagnetics Academy

PIERS —— A global symposium committed to
advancing photonics and electromagnetics for the benefit of humanity.

Session Organizers

To organize a session for current PIERS, please go to PIERS SURVEY You can also download this sample of new session proposal and send it to PIERS OFFICE.

Session organizers or invited participants may be receiving multiple invitations from members of the various PIERS Committees or other session organizers. One need not be overly concerned with a session topic that might be in conflict or overlapping with topics of other sessions. Multiple sessions in the same technical area will serve to enhance the strength and interest of the area at the Symposium. The Technical Committee will schedule sessions of similar topics at different times over the Symposium period.

Each organized session should have at least 8 talks that will not be subject to the regular review cycle. The session organizers have full authority in soliciting articles for the session and will work with PIERS TPC in the paper review process. The allocated presentation time for each talk is 15 minutes that includes the time for questions from the audience. Each author is limited to presenting no more than three talks (including poster papers) at the symposium and is required to register and pay by pre-registration deadline. The names of the session organizers will be listed under PIERS organization on the web page, and in the printed version of all PIERS publications when more than 8 papers of an organized session are received. Each session is limited to no more than 2 organizers and the session organizer can designate a chair and a co-chair for the session. Only registered participant can be designated as a session chair to avoid no show onsite.

There is no financial subsistence provided for session organizers, session chairs, and all invitees. All the PIERS participants including session organizer, chairs and invitees are required to register and pay the same registration fee. Kindly note that PIERS has a tradition to not indicate "invited talks" in PIERS Publications (Final Program, Abstracts & Proceedings), except for Focus Sessions (where "keynote/invited talks" will be indicated) and some special sessions in which the invited speakers have been approved by the conference leadership.

Please pay attention to the following steps for a successful session. You will be also reminded by PIERS OFFICE step-by-step in due dates.

1. Submit Your Session Description and Make it Public

You can propose new session (Download Sample Session proposal here) via these ways:

Once your session proposal is approved by PIERS committee, you will receive an email with login username and password to administrate your organized session. Do log in to visit your session webpage if you are the first time to organize session in PIERS.

2. Invite Leading Teams

The most important step to a successful session is to collect high-valued technical contributions from your colleagues, who are leading a team and/or working in the proposed research field. You are suggested to remind your invitees about PIERS policy of no financial subsistence in advance.

  • Invited Speakers
    Invited Speakers need to be approved by PIERS Technical Program Committee in advance. The presentation time of invited talk is 20 minutes.
    Kindly be aware that each participant should complete the registration process for the symposium and pay non-refundable registration fee. There is no financial subsistence provided for our invitees. All the expenses will be borne by the participants. The invited talk should be presented by invited speaker and cannot be presented by other co-authors.
    Please download the nomination form for invited speakers and email to PIERS OFFICE no later than the pre-registration deadline.
  • Keynote Speakers
    High-profile keynote speakers need to be approved by the PIERS Conference Quality Committee in advance. The presentation time of keynote talk is 30 minutes.
    Before the session organizers send out the invitation to the keynote speaker, please email the name, web link or CV of the keynote nominee to PIERS OFFICE for approval in advance. Once the keynote speaker accepts the invitation, his/her name will be highlighted on each PIERS website.

Nomination of Invited/Keynote Speakers should be submitted one month before pre-registration deadline. You are strongly advised to plan the invited speakers and submit the nomination form early before abstract submission deadline, to avoid the submission peak.

3. Remind Invitees to Submit abstracts

Do send out emails to invite and remind your colleagues to join your session by selecting your session or indicating your name in Online Abstract Submission process. Full-length paper is not required by PIERS.

4. Wait PIERS OFFICE to Process Articles

PIERS OFFICE will typeset abstracts and upload authors' information. During the submission peak, this typeset process may take 1-2 weeks or more. Usually, in order for the participants to apply for fund or visa, abstract acceptance notice will be sent out by PIERS OFFICE within a few days after the submission deadline, thus the authors can download the invitation letters in the Author Center.

5. Review Abstracts and Do Quality Control together with TPC

After all submissions have been processed, PIERS OFFICE will remind you to review all abstracts in your session. To ensure the good quality of oral talks, you can remove those unwanted talks which you think unsuitable for your session. More than one oral talk presented by the same speaker in the same session is also not encouraged in general. If you see more than one oral talk presented by the same speaker in the same session, you may select one for oral and remove the rest from your session for poster or rejection. TPC will also make necessary suggestion on your session about quality control. Quality control should be done before the pre-registration deadline.

6. Review Full-length Papers

You will be requested to review the extended papers in your session via email. Please return your review comments within 1~2 weeks.

7. Arrange Paper Order

PIERS OFFICE will remind the author to pre-register before scheduling the program. After the pre-registration deadline, program will be scheduled according to the number of registered talks in each session. To avoid NO SHOW, only registered papers will be scheduled in the program. You can also help to remind the author to pre-register the talk in your session before you arrange the paper order. Usually, you can arrange the paper order and assign session chairs after the preliminary program is available and before the program is finalized one month before conference dates.

8. Guidelines for Session Chairs

Detailed guidelines for session chairs of PIERS will be posted here.