We are speaking the same language, Maxwell's Equations.
--- In memory of Jin
Au Kong
30th PIERS in Suzhou, China
September, 2011
Important Dates
- 20 March, 2011
--- Abstract Extended Submission Deadline
- 20 April, 2011--- Pre-registration
- 10 May, 2011 --- Full-length Paper Extended
Submission Deadline
- 20 May, 2011 --- Preliminary Program available
- 20 June, 2011 --- Advance Program available
- 20 July, 2011 --- Final Program available
- 12-16 September, 2011 --- Conference Date
& Events
- Symposium Reception:
On Monday, September 12, 2011, from 11:30
to 13:00, symposium reception will take place at the PIERS host hotel.
For registered PIERS participant, the reception is free. For unregistered
companions, the price is USD 20 per person. Please make reservation in advance
and pay cash at PIERS check-in desk.
- Symposium Banquet:
On Wednesday evening, September 14, 2011, symposium
banquet is planned for PIERS participants and their guests. A limited number
of banquet tickets will be available. For all participants, the price is USD
60 per person. Please make reservation and pay in advance before September
12, 2011.
- Calling for Papers
--- PIERS 2011 in Suzhou, CHINA, on September 12-16, 2011
Guidelines [We strongly suggest authors visit the PIERS
Guidelines before online submission.]
Paradise in heaven, Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.