of Confirmed Keynote Speakers
List of date/time
of keynote talks
Hrvoje Buljan
University of Zagreb
Paper Title: Synthetic Non-Abelian Gauge Fields and Anyons in Photonic and Atomic Systems
Organized by: Dr. Xiao Lin, Prof. Ido Kaminer and Prof. Hongsheng Chen
Session Title: Novel Ways to Control Light-matter Interactions
Feng Chen
Shandong University
Paper Title: Compact Waveguide Lasers Based on 2D Saturable-absorber Materials
Organized by: Prof. Hongtao Lin, Prof. Tingyi Gu, Prof. Zhengqian Luo
Session Title:
2D Materials Photonics and Optics
Rushan Chen
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Paper Title: An Efficient Volumetric SBR Method for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems
Organized by: Vladimir Okhmatovski and Weng Cho Chew
Session Title: Fast and Efficient Algorithms of CEM
Weng Cho Chew
Purdue University, USA
Paper Title: Quantum Information Preserving Computational Electromagnetics Methods
Organized by: Prof. Hai-Zhi Song and Prof. Yong-Chun Liu
Session Title: Quantum Information Processing and Devices
Vladimir G. Chigrinov
Foshan University and HKUST
Paper Title: Liquid Crystal Photonics: Physics and Applications
Organized by: Prof. Rita Asquini and Prof. Iam Choon Khoo
Focus Session Title: Photosensitive Materials and Nano-structures for Optical Switching, Sensing and Processing Applications
Kin Seng Chiang
City University of Hong Kong
Paper Title: Optical Models of Graphene and Graphene-incorporated Waveguide Devices
Organized by: Prof. Xiaopeng Dong and Prof. Minghong Yang
Session Title: Design and Application of Optical Fiber and Waveguide for Functional Components and Sensors
Jiangfeng Du
University of Science and Technology of China
Paper Title: Quantum Control of Spins in Solids
Organized by: Prof. Hai-Zhi Song and Prof. Yong-Chun Liu
Session Title: Quantum Information Processing and Devices
Tobias J. Kippenberg
Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne
Paper Title: Photonic-chip Based Soliton Microcombs
Organized by: Prof. Yong-Chun Liu
Session Title: Cavity Optomechanics
Xueming Liu
Zhejiang University
Paper Title: Dynamics of Carbon-nanotube-mode-locked Fiber Lasers
Organized by: Prof. Hongtao Lin, Prof. Tingyi Gu, Prof. Zhengqian Luo
Session Title:
2D Materials Photonics and Optics
Yu-Xi Liu
Tsinghua University
Paper Title: Interactions between Topological Qubit Chains and Microwave Fields in Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Organized by: Prof. Hai-Zhi Song and Prof. Yong-Chun Liu
Session Title: Quantum Information Processing and Devices
Yan-qing Lu
Nanjing University
Paper Title: Liquid Crystal Based Chirality Invertible Active Planar Optics
Organized by: Prof. Lujian Chen and Prof. Zhigang Zheng
Session Title: Liquid Crystals for Advanced Photonics
Roberto Miorelli
CEA LIST Institute
Paper Title: Model driven machine learning methods for non-destructive testing applications
Organized by: Dr. Dominique Lesselier and Dr. Xudong Chen
Session Title: Machine Learning for Inversion and Imaging
Rodney Ruoff
Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology
Paper Title: New Materials and Approaches
Organized by: Dr. Baohua Jia, Prof. Jianfa Zhang, and Prof. Jinfeng Zhu
Session Title: Graphene Photonics,Electromagnetics Science and Applications
Ping Sheng
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Paper Title: Perspectives on Acoustic Metamaterials
Organized by: Prof.Zhi Hong Hang and Prof. Min Yang
Session Title: Novel Methods for Sound Manipulation Based on Intriguing Physics
Gui Yun Tian
Newcastle University
Paper Title: Electromagnetic Multimodal Non-destructive Sensing, Evaluation and Monitoring for CFRPs
Organized by: Prof. Shaolin Liao and Prof. Lijun Xu
Session Title: Electromagnetic Devices, Sensing, Imaging and Applications
Mei Song Tong
Tongji University
Paper Title: Dynamic Modeling for Electromagnetic Problems: The Need of Artificial Intelligence Era
Organized by: Mei Song Tong and Naoshi Nishimura
Session Title: Advanced Numerical Techniques in Computational Electromagnetics
Din Ping Tsai
Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University
Paper Title: Meta-Optics: Meta-lens for Imaging and Sensing
Organized by: Dr. Fei Ding and Dr. Cheng Zhang
Session Title: Dielectric Metasurfaces: Fundamentals and Applications
Jianfang Wang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Paper Title:
Plasmonic Nanoantennas
Organized by: Prof. Lili Gui and Prof. Cuicui Lu
Session Title:
Nanophotonics for Integration, Communication, and Biomedicine Applications
Gijs Wuite
VU University Amsterdam
Paper Title: Frontiers in Single Molecule Manipulation and Imaging of DNA-protein Transactions
Organized by: Prof. Remo Proietti Zaccaria and Dr. Dan Cojoc
Session Title:
Optical, Electro-magnetic and Acoustic Manipulation in Biology
Han Zhang
Shenzhen University
Paper Title: 2D Materials-based Ultrafast Photonics and All-light Processing
Organized by: Dr. Hongtao Lin, Dr. Tingyi Gu and Dr. Zhengqian Luo
Session Title:
2D Materials Photonics and Optics
Lei Zhou
Fudan University
Paper Title: Angular Dispersions and Line-shape Tailoring in Complex Metasurfaces
Organized by: Prof. Yuanmu Yang and Prof. Guixin Li
Session Title: Nonlinear Plasmonics and Metasurfaces