PIERS 2014 in Guangzhou
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium
25-28 August 2014
Guangzhou, China
  [EM Wave]

PIERS On-Line Abstract Submission

1. Title of the paper:
2. Corresponding Author's information:
Full Name (with the title):
3. Copyright Transfer Agreement:
View the Copyright Transfer Agreement
Agree (I have read the copyright transfer agreement.)
4. Choose the preferred option of your presentation (Final decision by TPC):
  Presentation Type:  oral    poster
5. Session Information:
6. Best Student Paper Award: (details)
 Yes, I would like to compete for the Best Student Paper Award. (A student competing for best student paper award must be listed as the first author as well as the presenting author of a paper submitted for oral presentation. A full-length paper is required for the evaluation of the technical quality.)
7. Upload files:
(Please upload all the files related to your paper one at a time,
but each file must be less than 8 MB and have no space in the file name.)
If the summary is prepared in LaTeX format, author can downloaded the LaTeX sample file.


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