PIERS Exhibition 2008 in Hangzhou
Exhibition 2008
25-27, 2008, HANGZHOU, CHINA
Special Rate for Exhibition Booth 
Special Rate of one standard booth is USD1000 before November 7, 2007,
which includes,
- 1 Standard Booth with space (2m x 3m) rental
- Basic equipments (2 chairs and 1 desk)
- Lighting
- 1 Electric plug
- Access for 2 delegates to all coffee breaks, interactive areas and technical
sessions of PIERS 2008
(Note PIERS presenting author must pay a seperate regular
registration fee)
- 2 PIERS welcome reception tickets (March 24, 2008)
- Organization listing and 40-words description on PIERS website.
Additional space for larger booth and equipments are available upon request.
Booth Space will be sold on a first come, first served basis upon receipt of
the Application
Form with full payment.
Exhibitors are encouraged to reserve booth space before November 7,
2007 by fill out the PIERS
Exhibitors Survey and submit the Application Form (DOC,
Any inquiry about exhibition, please directly contact:
Email: piers@ewt.mit.edu
and tpc@piers.org
Fax: +86-571-88206587
Invitation to Exhibitors
PIERS Exhibition 2008, held on March
25-27, 2008, will be in conjunction with the 23rd Progress in Electromagnetics
Research Symposium (PIERS 2008) in Hangzhou.
Sponsored by The Electromagnetics Academy since 1989, Progress
in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) provides an international forum
for reporting progress and recent advances in the modern development of electromagnetic
theory and its new and exciting applications. Spectra ranges from statics to
RF, microwave, photonics,
and beyond. Topics include radiation, propagation, diffraction, scattering,
guidance, resonance, power, energy and force issues, and all other modern developments.
PIERS 2008 in Hangzhou is expecting over 600
experts and attendees from both the academic and the industrial worlds and more
than 40 countries and areas. The PIERS 2008 Exhibition on electromagnetic field,
will be a good opportunity to exhibit new products, publications, develop prospects
and explore new business opportunities.
Related Exhibition Topics (not limited)
+ EM Publications
+ EM Simulation and Software
+ EM Measurement Techniques
+ Computational Electromagnetics
+ Antenna Theories and Techniques
+ Microwave & Millimeter-Wave Solid-State Devices and Circuits
+ Passive Devices and Circuits Techniques
+ Microwave & Millimeter-Wave Systems
+ Millimeter-wave & Submillimeter-wave Techniques
+ Microwave Low Noise
+ Electromagnetic Material and Application
+ RF MEMS Techniques
+ Microwave High-Power Techniques
+ Ferrite Devices
+ Microwave & Millimeter-Wave Packaging and Manufacturing
+ Scattering and Propagation
+ Terahertz Techniques
+ Wireless Communications
+ Phased and Active Array Techniques
+ Microwave Super-conductor
+ Computer-Aided Design
+ Microwave Photonics
+ Microwave Acoustics
+ Microwave Remote Sensing
+ Microwave Medical/Biological Applications
+ Microwave Industrial Applications