for Authors
Authors are invited to submit
a one-page summary or full papers no more than 5 pages in English.
Author(s) of the papers, when accepted, will receive instructions
for pre-registration from PIERS Office. The presenting author
is required to pre-register and pay a non-refundable pre-registration
fee to PIERS Office. Each presenting author is limited to presenting
no more than three papers. Inclusion of the paper in the Technical
Program and PIERS Proceedings
is guaranteed only after the pre-registration of the presenting author is completed.
Authors will be informed with username and password to login webpage
when the paper is accepted. Authors can proofread papers, download
Invitation Letters after login.
for Session Organizers
For session organization, please
organizers or invited participants may be receiving multiple invitations
from members of the various PIERS Committees or other session
organizers. One need not be overly concerned with a session topic
that might be in conflict or overlapping with topics of other
sessions. Multiple sessions in the same technical area will serve
to enhance the strength and interest of the area at the Symposium.
The Technical Committee will schedule sessions of similar topics
at different times over the Symposium period.
organized session should have eight to eleven papers that will
not be subject to the regular review cycle. The session organizer
have full authority in soliciting and accepting papers for the
session. The allocated presentation time for each paper is 20
minutes that includes the time for questions from the audience.
Each author is limited to presenting no more than three papers
(including poster papers) at the Symposium and is required to
register in advance. The names of the session organizers will
be listed under PIERS organization on the web page, and in the
printed version of all PIERS publications when more than 5 papers
of an organized session are received. Each session is limited
to no more than two organizers and the session organizer can designate
a chair and a co-chair for the session.
There is no financial
subsistence provided for our invitees.
Invitation Letters --- Login to Download 
Invitation lettters will be sent to the authors via email
after the paper is accepted. If you are not able to receive
it due to unpredictable internet/email problem, please login
PIERS webpage to download it.
Information for Chinese Visa for Foreign Participants ---
"F" Visa is issued to an alien who is invited to
China for a visit, an investigation, a lecture, to do business,
scientific-technological and culture exchanges, short-term
advanced studies or internship for a period of no more than
six months. For detail and accurate information about visa,
please directly inquire the Chinese Embassy in your country.
Usually, the PIERS invitation letter is required.
- Visa Form for Taiwan
Participants --- Download PDF and DOC

In order to obtain the official approval, please fill in this
information form and return to PIERS office at your earliest
- Hotel Reservation --- Download Hotel Reservation Form PDF
and DOC
for Presenters
Oral Presentations
Each session room is equipped with a stationary computer connected
to a LCD projector (beamer). Presenters choosing to use electronic
presentation must load their presentation files in advance
onto the central PIERS computer in the PIERS office and use
the session computer for their presentation. Presenters are
not allowed to detach the session computer and attach their
own notebook/laptop to the LCD projector.
Please load the presentation files to the PIERS computer no
later than 12 hours before the scheduled talk. The PIERS computer
is equipped with a USB port and a CD-ROM drive to transfer
the presentation files (Power Point, Acrobat Reader, Windows
Media Player and other main support available). A technician
personnel will be available to assist you. Presenters can
test their presentation at the PIERS office no later than
half-day before their session.
A standard overhead projector for transparencies is also available.
Please do contact PIERS office in advance to make sure the
overhead projector will be available for your scheduled talk.
Scheduled time slots for presentation are 20 minute each,
including questions and discussions. Presenters are required
to report to their session room and to their session chairs
at least 10 minutes prior to the start of their session. The
session chair must be presented in the session room at least
15 minutes before the start of the session and must strictly
observe the starting time and time limit of each paper and
refrain from changing paper presentation sequence.
for Exhibitions &
Corporate Sponsorship
PIERS2007 in Beijing also offers an outstanding exhibition opportunity
to show high-technology and new product and promote the intercourse
with experts. If your organization would like to get involved,
please directly contact PIERS OFFICE via email.
Publications related to PIERS2007 will be
- Technical Program
- PIERS Online [ ISSN: 1931-7360
[ ISSN:1559-9450 ]
For Journal of Electromagnetic
Waves and Applications (JEMWA)
or Progress in Electromagnetics Research
paper submission, please visit,