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 PIERS 2018 in Toyama
[EM Wave]

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 

PIERS 2018 in Toyama, Japan, 1 - 4 August, 2018

PIERS 2018 in Toyama Preliminary Program

Search Paper by Title, Key, or Author:
Search Matches: 22 Sessions, 28 Papers | Back to Program

 1A15_FocusSession.SC5: Remote Sensing for Hydrological Applications 1
   Organized by Jiancheng Shi and Hui Lu
   Chaired by Jiancheng Shi and Hui Lu
2018-08-01 AM
Fully Coherent Model for Layered Bicontinuous Medium Using Analytical Method of Feynman Diagram for Applications in Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow Cover [Keynote]
 • Jiyue Zhu (University of Michigan), Leung Tsang (University of Michigan), Shurun Tan (Zhejiang University), and Son V. Nghiem (California Institute of Technology)
 1A93_FocusSession.SC3: Novel Photonic Materials for Advanced Applications 1
   Organized by Iam-Choon Khoo
   Chaired by Iam-Choon Khoo
2018-08-01 AM
Photonic Crystal Solar Cells: Toward Thermodynamic Power Conversion Efficiency [Keynote]
 • Sajeev John (University of Toronto)
 1P25_FocusSession.SC5: Inverse Scattering, Imaging, and Remote Sensing 2
   Organized by Xiuzhu Ye and Xudong Chen
   Chaired by Xiuzhu Ye
2018-08-01 PM
Multiphysics/Multimodality Inversion for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging [Keynote]
 • Qing Huo Liu (Eastern Institute of Technology), ***, ***, ***, Tian Lan (Xiamen University), Feng Han (Xiamen University), and Na Liu (Xiamen University)
Study on the Feasibility of Multi-physics Imaging for Human Thorax [Keynote]
 • Maokun Li (Tsinghua University), ***, ***, Haolin Zhang (Tsinghua University), Fan Yang (Tsinghua University), Shenheng Xu (Tsinghua University), and Aria Abubakar (Schlumberger Houston Formation Evaluation)
 1P93_FocusSession.SC3: Novel Photonic Materials for Advanced Applications 2
   Organized by Iam-Choon Khoo
   Chaired by Iam-Choon Khoo and Zhiwen Liu
2018-08-01 PM
The Physics and Applications of Coherent Control of Metasurfaces [Keynote]
 • Nikolay I. Zheludev (University of Southampton & Nanyang Technological University), Kevin Francis MacDonald (University of Southampton), Eric Plum (University of Southampton), and Daniele Faccio (Heriot-Watt University)
 2A31_FocusSession.SC1&SC2: Multiscale and Multiphysics Computation and Applications 1
   Organized by Qing Huo Liu
   Chaired by Qing Huo Liu and Mei Song Tong
2018-08-02 AM
Multiscale Seismic Tomography of the Earth and Moon [Keynote]
 • Dapeng Zhao (Tohoku University)
 2P3a1_FocusSession.SC1&SC2: Multiscale and Multiphysics Computation and Applications 2
   Organized by Qing Huo Liu
   Chaired by Qing Huo Liu and Mei Song Tong
2018-08-02 PM
Green's Functions in Waveguides and Periodic Structures [Keynote]
 • Leung Tsang (University of Michigan), Shurun Tan (Zhejiang University), Tien-Hao Liao (National Taipei University of Technology), and Kung-Hau Ding (Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB)
 2P9a3_FocusSession.SC3: Novel Photonic Materials for Advanced Applications 4
   Organized by Iam-Choon Khoo
   Chaired by Iam-Choon Khoo
2018-08-02 PM
Nanophotonic Light Emitters [Keynote]
 • Yeshaiahu Shaya Fainman (University of California at San Diego)
 2P_103_FocusSession.SC3: Advanced Nano/Quantum Photonic Technologies 1
   Organized by Jin Liu and Juntao Li
   Chaired by Jin Liu and Juntao Li
2018-08-02 PM
Optical Nanoscopy: Truly Non-intrusive [Keynote]
 • Jianying Zhou (Sun Yat-sen University), Guorong Guan (Sun Yat-Sen University), ***, ***, ***, Haowen Liang (Sun Yat-sen University), and Yikun Liu (Sun Yat-sen University)
 2P_133_FocusSession.SC3.SC5: Advanced Optical Sensing and Imaging for Label-free Biodetection
   Organized by Yihui Wu and Natan T. Shaked
   Chaired by Yihui Wu and Natan T. Shaked
2018-08-02 PM
Microfluidic Flow Cytometer with Spark-generated Microbubble Cell Sorter [Keynote]
 • Jingjing Zhao (Tsinghua University) and Zheng You (Tsinghua University)
Plasmonic Nano-imaging of Intracellular Dynamics and Molecular Distribution in a Living Cell [Keynote]
 • Satoshi Kawata (Osaka University)
 2P_142_FocusSession.SC2: Topology and PT Symmetry Based Optical Devices
   Organized by Jian-Wen Dong and Renmin Ma
   Chaired by Renmin Ma and Jian-Wen Dong
2018-08-02 PM
Spin Orbital Coupling of Light with 2D and 3D Metamaterials [Keynote]
 • Shuang Zhang (The University of Hong Kong)
 2P_171_FocusSession.SC1: Kohei Hongo Memorial Session
   Organized by Andrey V. Osipov and Kazuya Kobayashi
   Chaired by Andrey V. Osipov and Kazuya Kobayashi
2018-08-02 PM
Diffraction Study with Prof. Kohei Hongo [Keynote]
 • Hiroshi Shirai (Chuo University)
Late Professor Kohei Hongo and His Research Style in Electromagnetic Community [Keynote]
 • Masahiro Hashimoto (Osaka Electro-Communication University)
Solving Electrically Large Electromagnetic Scattering Problems by Hybridizing Numerical and Asymptotic Techniques [Keynote]
 • Raj Mittra (University of Central Florida) and ***
Mathematical Analysis of Electromagnetic Guided Propagation and Scattering in Millimeter-wave and Optical Fields [Keynote]
 • Yasumitsu Miyazaki (Aichi University of Technology)
 3A92_FocusSession.SC2: Advances in Nanolasers 1
   Organized by Renmin Ma and Qing Zhang
   Chaired by Renmin Ma
2018-08-03 AM
Miniature Lasers: Spasers and Beyond [Keynote]
 • Mikhail A. Noginov (Norfolk State University)
 3A_123_FocusSession.SC3: Photonic Nanostructures for Enhancing Light-matter Interaction 1
   Organized by Chia Chen Hsu
   Chaired by Chia Chen Hsu and Hung-Chih Kan
2018-08-03 AM
Hybrid Dielectric Resonator + Nanoantenna Systems: Principles, Detection Instruments, and Applications in Digital Resolution Biosensing [Keynote]
 ***, ***, and Brian T. Cunningham (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
 3P92_FocusSession.SC2: Advances in Nanolasers 2
   Organized by Renmin Ma and Qing Zhang
   Chaired by Renmin Ma
2018-08-03 PM
Surface Plasmon Amplifiers and Lasers [Keynote]
 • Pierre Berini (University of Ottawa)
 4A83_FocusSession.SC3: Quantum Optics with Topological Materials 1
   Organized by George W. Hanson and Mauro Antezza
   Chaired by George W. Hanson and Mauro Antezza
2018-08-04 AM
Quantum Physics with Plasmons in Graphene and Other Atomic-scale Systems [Keynote]
 • F. Javier García de Abajo (ICFO --- Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology)
 4A_113_FocusSession.SC3: Advanced Photonic Technologies for Spectroscopic Applications: Devoted to Prof. Frank K. Tittel 1
   Organized by Wei Dong Chen and Vincenzo Spagnolo
   Chaired by Wei Dong Chen and Vincenzo Spagnolo
2018-08-04 AM
Mid-infrared Laser Based Trace Gas Sensor Technologies: Recent Advances and Applications [Keynote]
 • Frank K. Tittel (Rice University)
 4A_123_FocusSession.SC3&SC4: Recent Advances in Devices and System Technologies for Terahertz Wireless Communications 1
   Organized by Tadao Nagatsuma and Guillaume Ducournau
   Chaired by Tadao Nagatsuma and Guillaume Ducournau
2018-08-04 AM
300-GHz-band Communication Using Silicon CMOS Integrated Circuits [Keynote]
 • Minoru Fujishima (Hiroshima University)
 4A_13SC3: Progresses in the Study of Topological Waves 1
   Organized by Jian-Hua Jiang and Xiao Hu
   Chaired by Xiao Hu and Jie Ren
2018-08-04 AM
Topological Electromagnetics with Time-reversal Symmetry [Keynote]
 • Xiao Hu (National Institute for Materials Science)
 4A_14Emerging Electromagnetic Functionalization of Graphene and 2D Materials for Terahertz Device Applications 1
   Organized by Taiichi Otsuji
   Chaired by Victor Ryzhii and Taiichi Otsuji
2018-08-04 AM
A Brief History of Growth of High Quality Graphene on 3C-SiC/Si via Thermal Decomposition Method [Keynote]
 4P81_FocusSession.SC1: Casimir Effect and Heat Transfer
   Organized by Mauro Antezza and Brahim Guizal
   Chaired by Brahim Guizal and Mauro Antezza
2018-08-04 PM
Casimir Forces between Silicon Gratings [Keynote]
 • Ho Bun Chan (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Mingkang Wang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Lu Tang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), ***, Che Ting Chan (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Riccardo Messina (Institut d'Optique, CNRS, Universite Paris-Saclay), Brahim Guizal (University of Montpellier - CNRS), Mauro Antezza (Université de Montpellier), and John Alexander Crosse (New York University Shanghai)
Nonperturbative Dynamical Casimir Effect in Optomechanical Systems: Vacuum Casimir-Rabi Splittings [Keynote]
 • Franco Nori (RIKEN and University of Michigan)
 4P_12a3_FocusSession.SC3&SC4: Recent Advances in Devices and System Technologies for Terahertz Wireless Communications 2
   Organized by Tadao Nagatsuma and Guillaume Ducournau
   Chaired by Tadao Nagatsuma and Guillaume Ducournau
2018-08-04 PM
Photonic Integrated Circuits for Ultrawide Frequency Range Generation, from Microwaves to Terahertz [Keynote]
 • Guillermo Carpintero del Barrio (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Robinson Cruzoe Guzman Martinez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), ***, Muhsin Ali (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), ***, Luis-Enrique Garcia Munoz (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Daniel Segovia-Vargas (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), David De Felipe (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute), and Norbert Keil (Heinrich Hertz Inst Nachrichtentech Berlin GmbH)
 4P_13SC3: Progresses in the Study of Topological Waves 2
   Organized by Jian-Hua Jiang and Xiao Hu
   Chaired by Xiao Hu and Jie Ren
2018-08-04 PM
Transitional Weyl and Dirac Points in Photonics [Keynote]
 • Shuang Zhang (The University of Hong Kong)
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